Clear Beauty's Tips for Smart Choices to Stay Acne Free
Reduce Stress and Get Enough Sleep
Stress stimulates the adrenal gland, and in the acne-prone individual, the adrenal gland promotes oil production which leads to clogged pores.
No Picking or Squeezing!
Instead, rub ice on pustules and pimples for a couple of minutes, twice a day. Try to catch them when they are first forming, and they most likely will go away.
**IMPORTANT – If you pick, squeeze and break the skin, that scab will leave a red mark that will be there for months making your skin look WAY worse than if you left it alone.
Use Fragrance-Free Detergents
Examples of these are Cheer Free, All Free & Clear, Tide Free, Arm & Hammer Free, but there are many on the market.
No Fabric Softener
Do not use this in the washer or dryer (no dryer sheets). The waxy residue gets on your pillowcases, towels, washcloths, and sheets that have direct contact with the skin. It will clog pores on acne-prone individuals. If you are want something to stop static cling in your dryer, you can get anti-static balls at Bed Bath and Beyond.
No Water Softeners
There is some evidence that water softeners can lead to acne, especially those containing high amounts of potassium chloride.
Sun Exposure and Acne
Although sun exposure causes desirable scaling and drying, it also damages the follicle, exacerbates hyperpigmentation, causes skin cancer and premature aging
Warm climates with heat and humidity can exacerbate acne.
You will be using a non-comedogenic sunscreen every day, not just to protect your skin from the sun, but to keep your skin hydrated during the day.
**IMPORTANT – Using it will keep your skin from getting dry from acne products!
No “Lo” Dose Birth Control Pills
Avoid low estrogen birth control pills. “Lo” dose pills are higher in androgen hormones that can make acne-prone skin worse.
Other Birth Control and Hormone Replacement
Norplant, Provera, and Depo-Provera shots, Mirena and Nuvo Rings can also cause breakouts.
For Swimmers
Swimming pool disinfectants contain Iodides and Chlorine, which can remain in the water, causing skin problems for frequent swimmers. Many swimmers find that the combination of hot and humid weather, the physical exercise of swimming and the chlorinated pools, can cause major acne flare-ups.
Pore-clogging Ingredients in Skincare
Do not ever put anything on your skin or your hair without checking the ingredients first, even if it says “won’t clog pores” or “non-comedogenic” on the bottle. No government agency oversees this, so skincare companies can claim their products promote clear skin and have pore cloggers in their ingredient deck.
**Natural oils can be some of the worst offenders, like cocoa butter and coconut oil, which are found in many “organic” skincare lines.
Other oils such as jojoba, olive and lanolin are mildly comedogenic and can be a problem if formulated with other comedogenic ingredients. Some prescription products like the cream form of Retin-A have pore cloggers. Many over-the-counter acne medications also have pore-clogging ingredients.
“Oil Free” products can be comedogenic.
The best makeup is one that does not contain comedogenic ingredients. Loose powder, mineral makeup tends to be the safest choice, but still should be checked.
Bare Minerals Original Formula loose powder foundation is a safe choice; however, the newer Bare Minerals Matte is NOT a safe choice – it contains ActiveSoil Complex that is causing breakouts for most users. Any pressed or liquid products also should be checked for pore-clogging ingredients. We do not recommend any of the pressed Bare Minerals blushes, bronzers or veils.
Foods and Supplements
This is a guideline only – we are not asking you to eliminate foods or food groups completely; we do suggest you cut back and moderate some food types. The “Try to Reduce” group has been proven to be a problem for most acne sufferers. We also know that some people have trigger foods such as citrus, but this is not across the board.
Try to Reduce
Iodized Salt
Milk (including organic and especially nonfat) Cheese
Whey or Soy Protein Shakes and Protein Bars
Soy, Tofu, Soy milk, Tempe, Edamame
Seafood, Shellfish
Spirulina, Chlorella, Blue-Green Algae
Kelp, Miso Soup, Seaweed, Seaweed Supplements
Vitamins with Iodides, Iodine, Kelp, Potassium Iodide (also avoid Biotin)
Foods High in Androgens
Peanut Butter
Peanut Oil, Corn Oil, Canola Oil
Organ Meats including Pâté
The following supplements have been found to be useful in aiding your recovery from acne. I may make recommendations based on the type of acne you have:
Zinc Monomethionine
The most bio-available form of zinc that acts directly as an anti-inflammatory. Many people with acne have low levels of zinc in their body; supplementing with zinc has been shown to reduce the severity of cysts and inflamed lesions.
Omega 3 Fish Oils
These are good fats that also act as an anti-inflammatory in the body. While recommended for all acne sufferers, they are particularly beneficial for women whose breakouts are linked to PMS. Omega oils also positively alter sebum production in the skin improving radiance and resilience of the skin.
These are good bacteria that colonize the digestive tract and the skin. They can help people who have been on long-term antibiotics (both oral and topical). These good bacteria compete with the pathogenic bacteria and can help improve the incidence of breakouts.
Your results may vary. Results take time and depend on compliance to the entire Program. Typically, results take approximately 3-4 months but could take longer. Aren't you worth the effort?